Another Way to Render SVGs in React

I recently came across an interesting pattern to render SVGs in an open-sourced project, so thought of sharing it. Instead of creating one file each for SVG, you construct an object with all your SVGs and export it like below

const ICONS = {
      "M25.312 6.375c-0.688 1-1.547 1.891-2.531 2.609 0.016 0.219 0.016 0.438 0.016 0.656 0 6.672-5.078 14.359-14.359 14.359-2.859 0-5.516-0.828-7.75-2.266 0.406 0.047 0.797 0.063 1.219 0.063 2.359 0 4.531-0.797 6.266-2.156-2.219-0.047-4.078-1.5-4.719-3.5 0.313 0.047 0.625 0.078 0.953 0.078 0.453 0 0.906-0.063 1.328-0.172-2.312-0.469-4.047-2.5-4.047-4.953v-0.063c0.672 0.375 1.453 0.609 2.281 0.641-1.359-0.906-2.25-2.453-2.25-4.203 0-0.938 0.25-1.797 0.688-2.547 2.484 3.062 6.219 5.063 10.406 5.281-0.078-0.375-0.125-0.766-0.125-1.156 0-2.781 2.25-5.047 5.047-5.047 1.453 0 2.766 0.609 3.687 1.594 1.141-0.219 2.234-0.641 3.203-1.219-0.375 1.172-1.172 2.156-2.219 2.781 1.016-0.109 2-0.391 2.906-0.781z",
    viewBox: "0 0 26 28"
      "M14.984 0.187v4.125h-2.453c-1.922 0-2.281 0.922-2.281 2.25v2.953h4.578l-0.609 4.625h-3.969v11.859h-4.781v-11.859h-3.984v-4.625h3.984v-3.406c0-3.953 2.422-6.109 5.953-6.109 1.687 0 3.141 0.125 3.563 0.187z",
    viewBox: "0 0 16 28"
      "M27.563 0.172c0.328 0.234 0.484 0.609 0.422 1l-4 24c-0.047 0.297-0.234 0.547-0.5 0.703-0.141 0.078-0.313 0.125-0.484 0.125-0.125 0-0.25-0.031-0.375-0.078l-7.078-2.891-3.781 4.609c-0.187 0.234-0.469 0.359-0.766 0.359-0.109 0-0.234-0.016-0.344-0.063-0.391-0.141-0.656-0.516-0.656-0.938v-5.453l13.5-16.547-16.703 14.453-6.172-2.531c-0.359-0.141-0.594-0.469-0.625-0.859-0.016-0.375 0.172-0.734 0.5-0.922l26-15c0.156-0.094 0.328-0.141 0.5-0.141 0.203 0 0.406 0.063 0.562 0.172z",
    viewBox: "0 0 28 28"
      "M10 19c0 1.141-0.594 3-2 3s-2-1.859-2-3 0.594-3 2-3 2 1.859 2 3zM20 19c0 1.141-0.594 3-2 3s-2-1.859-2-3 0.594-3 2-3 2 1.859 2 3zM22.5 19c0-2.391-1.453-4.5-4-4.5-1.031 0-2.016 0.187-3.047 0.328-0.812 0.125-1.625 0.172-2.453 0.172s-1.641-0.047-2.453-0.172c-1.016-0.141-2.016-0.328-3.047-0.328-2.547 0-4 2.109-4 4.5 0 4.781 4.375 5.516 8.188 5.516h2.625c3.813 0 8.188-0.734 8.188-5.516zM26 16.25c0 1.734-0.172 3.578-0.953 5.172-2.063 4.172-7.734 4.578-11.797 4.578-4.125 0-10.141-0.359-12.281-4.578-0.797-1.578-0.969-3.437-0.969-5.172 0-2.281 0.625-4.438 2.125-6.188-0.281-0.859-0.422-1.766-0.422-2.656 0-1.172 0.266-2.344 0.797-3.406 2.469 0 4.047 1.078 5.922 2.547 1.578-0.375 3.203-0.547 4.828-0.547 1.469 0 2.953 0.156 4.375 0.5 1.859-1.453 3.437-2.5 5.875-2.5 0.531 1.062 0.797 2.234 0.797 3.406 0 0.891-0.141 1.781-0.422 2.625 1.5 1.766 2.125 3.938 2.125 6.219z",
    viewBox: "0 0 26 28"

      "M12 2.163c3.204 0 3.584.012 4.85.07 3.252.148 4.771 1.691 4.919 4.919.058 1.265.069 1.645.069 4.849 0 3.205-.012 3.584-.069 4.849-.149 3.225-1.664 4.771-4.919 4.919-1.266.058-1.644.07-4.85.07-3.204 0-3.584-.012-4.849-.07-3.26-.149-4.771-1.699-4.919-4.92-.058-1.265-.07-1.644-.07-4.849 0-3.204.013-3.583.07-4.849.149-3.227 1.664-4.771 4.919-4.919 1.266-.057 1.645-.069 4.849-.069zm0-2.163c-3.259 0-3.667.014-4.947.072-4.358.2-6.78 2.618-6.98 6.98-.059 1.281-.073 1.689-.073 4.948 0 3.259.014 3.668.072 4.948.2 4.358 2.618 6.78 6.98 6.98 1.281.058 1.689.072 4.948.072 3.259 0 3.668-.014 4.948-.072 4.354-.2 6.782-2.618 6.979-6.98.059-1.28.073-1.689.073-4.948 0-3.259-.014-3.667-.072-4.947-.196-4.354-2.617-6.78-6.979-6.98-1.281-.059-1.69-.073-4.949-.073zm0 5.838c-3.403 0-6.162 2.759-6.162 6.162s2.759 6.163 6.162 6.163 6.162-2.759 6.162-6.163c0-3.403-2.759-6.162-6.162-6.162zm0 10.162c-2.209 0-4-1.79-4-4 0-2.209 1.791-4 4-4s4 1.791 4 4c0 2.21-1.791 4-4 4zm6.406-11.845c-.796 0-1.441.645-1.441 1.44s.645 1.44 1.441 1.44c.795 0 1.439-.645 1.439-1.44s-.644-1.44-1.439-1.44z",
    viewBox: "0 0 24 24"

export default ICONS;

Now comes the good part, when you are rendering it you can just import the above file instead of importing each SVG file and style it accordingly.

import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import ICONS from "./Icons";

const showIcons = ["TWITTER", "FACEBOOK", "TELEGRAM", "GITHUB"];

export default function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Hello Hashnode</h1>
      { => {
        return (
          <svg className="icon" viewBox={ICONS[icon].viewBox}>
            <path d={ICONS[icon].path} />

Below is the Sandbox for reference

Thanks for reading, this post is part of the series Interesting Patterns. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or you can @ me on twitter
